
Online survey

The IT Simply Works team is surveying multidisciplinary experts from key research communities about their understandings and vision of the culture of simplicity in ICT. If you are interested in taking the survey, please fill out the form beneath.




What is your professional background?
(e.g. studied electrical engineering, Ph.D. in CS, 10 years of Computer science in research and industry, in particular in software engineering and formal methods, etc.)

If you would like to provide links to your website or to profiles at online communities (e.g. Likedin or Xing) you can paste them into the text fields beneath.

1st link:

2nd link:

Current positions and professional topics:

Previous positions and professional topics

Fields marked with an asterisk * are required.

Question 1:  What research have you done or participated in where the outcome of the research made IT simple in some manner, or where IT played a particularly simplifying or complicating role?

Question 2:  What aspect of IT design/development do you believe is the most complicated?

Question 3:  What technologies do you use on a regular basis that you believe could be redesigned to be simpler?

Question 4:  Can you think of a 'principle' that you believe underlies simplicity? Can you identify an example of the use of this principle?

Question 5:  How would you define simplicity?

I recommend you to also contact the following experts (names and mail addresses):

We are using a project internal Dropbox folder in order to receive articles and other relevant files from the ITSy community. We kindly invite you to participate and share relevant material with us.

Please invite me to the ITSy Dropbox folder

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