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Sie sind hier: Startseite Willkommen Professuren Ordentliche Professuren Theoretische Informatik Lehrveranstaltungen Wintersemester 2010/2011 Theorie-Kolloquium Termine 25.01. Fred Freitas: A Connection Method for Reasoning with the Description Logic ALC

25.01. Fred Freitas: A Connection Method for Reasoning with the Description Logic ALC

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Prof. Frederico Luiz Gonçalves de Freitas Informatics Center - Federal Universidade of Pernambuco (CIn - UFPE), Recife, Brazil On a sabbathical leave at the Knowledge Representation and Knowledge Management Research Group Computer Science Institute, University of Mannheim, Germany

  • Einzeltermin
  • Seminar
Wann 25.01.2011
von 14:15 bis 15:45
Termin übernehmen vCal

The connection method earned good reputation in the field of automated theorem proving for around three decades, due to its simplicity, clarity and parsimonious use of memory. It employs easy to understand and implement matrices that deal with formulae and theorems directly, in opposition to the classical refutation methods like resolution and tableaux, which require formulae to be negated.

Such distinctive features attracted our attention in order to propose a connection method especially tailored to infer over description logic (DL) Semantic Web ontologies. This work is a first formal attempt in this direction. First, we present the Description Logic family of languages, focusing in the basic one ALC; then an ALC normal form which saves columns in the matrix is proposed, and then our ALC connection method is formalized in sequent style, although matrices should be employed instead of sequents for practical reasons.

The inference system has some interesting features: it is able to perform all four classical DL reasoning services (subsumption, inconsistency checking, equivalence, subsumption and disjointness) and, as the most widespread DL tableaux systems, reduces them to subsumption or validity (instead of unsatisfiability, which is used by the other refutation methods). Future work includes extending the approach to other more expressive DL languages.


Prof. Kreitz (Raum 1.18)
Freitags 10:30-11:30 Uhr

Nuria Brede (Raum 1.24)
immer, wenn die Tür offen steht

Dr. Eva Richter (Raum 1.24)
immer, wenn die Tür offen steht

Thomas Raths (Raum 1.23)

Jens Otten (Raum 1.20)

Belegung etc.
empfohlen ab:
Theoretische Informatik(2000)
3 benotete Punkte
individuelle Leistung:
via PULS