Short Bio

Sukanya Bhowmik received her Master of Science degree in Information Technology at the University of Stuttgart, Germany in 2013. She went on to pursue her doctoral studies at the Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems of University of Stuttgart and received her doctoral degree in 2017. The title of her doctoral dissertation is 'Content-Based Routing in Software-Defined Networks'. On completion of her Ph.D., she continued as a postdoctoral researcher in the Distributed Systems Department and lead the Adaptive Communication Systems research group.

Since 2023, she is a professor at the Institute of Computer Science at the University of Potsdam, heading the Chair of Middleware, Operating Systems, and Computer Networks.

Research Interests

Her research interests include high-performance communication middleware, stream/complex event processing, in-network event processing, and software-defined networks with a focus on scalability, line-speed performance, resource efficiency, and adaptability issues.



Our recent publication Color-based Lightweight Utility-aware Load Shedding for Real-Time Video Analytics at the Edge at DEBS’24 is now available in the ACM DL


Research team

We are excited to welcome Max Engelhardt to our research team.
